Jess Cayne Beautifully Transparent New Single “Heroes”


The lyrics tell a personal, and deeply heart-felt, sstory that brings light to substance abuse in an effort to heal the collective and nurture mental health. Jess wrote the song herself, which is also the first song she has released under her full name since she was 23 years old.  Her hope in releasing the song is to break through the stigmas that surround addictions and to help people heal easier (and faster!), by using love and compassion.

Emily Hawkins, who is one of her best friends and sang the background vocals with her, contributed to giving the production a sentimental and a loving feel to it. The song is produced by Eric Arjes, who Jess says is “one of the most talented people in this city and one of my favorite humans.” Larissa Maestro also imparted her talents to the hit by playing the cello. You can connect with the new single below.