Justin Bieber Shaved His Hair And His Fans Are Loving It.

After the burrito affair, Justin Bieber is once again the buzz: this time, it's his haircut that is involved. Sorry's interpreter shaved his head, as he showed on his Instagram story and it made the surfers in turmoil. And for good reason, he returned to a cup that the Beliebers are particularly fond of.

Thus, this user announces the information with great backing of capital letters, declaring at the same time that "Buzztin came back from the dead".

“Buzztin” is the rallying cry and hashtag of Justin Bieber's fans every time he shaves his skull. It had already happened in 2016, causing the same emotion almost worldwide. Since yesterday, the word game between "buzz cut" (or any short haircut performed with an electric razor) and "Justin" is one of the trending topics of Twitter, the worshipers of the Canadian going kindly to share their excitement (sometimes to tears of joy), photos and even support.