Jared Minnix And His Perspective Of Quarantine Through Single “Slow Down”


Aiming from Nashville, Newcomer Jared Minnix explores a different perspective of the quarantine the world is facing, in his new single « Slow Down ». When other quarantine songs may showcase depression and anxiety, Jared’s quarantine emphasizes on relaxation, time off and 'slowing' things down.

Indeed, the track in itself, is a catchy bedroom pop production involving springy vocals, and a funky rhythm. In a word, « Slow Down » is a catchy vibe, that will get you going through these moody moments, with a smile on your face.

“Just like everything happening right now in the world, none of this was planned. I didn’t think I would be releasing a new song this spring, or much less a music video, but god had other plans. My new single “Slow Down” comes out next Friday April 3rd. I hope you can relate to this song. It’s genuine, relevant, and encouraging. I hope you it makes you dance, smile, and bring joy into each of your lives. Slow down, make the most of where we are at, and call your parents because they miss you.”
— Jared Minnix