Indica and Polimá Westcoast Seduce the Night with “Tengo El Deseo”


In the dusky embrace of a tranquil desert, "Tengo El Deseo" by Indica, graced with the artistry of Polimá Westcoast, unfurls like a nocturnal bloom, exuding a melody as sensuous and soul-stirring as the desert's own secrets. This melodic creation, a seamless fusion of Reggaeton and R&B, is reminiscent of a delectable dessert savored under a star-embroidered sky, where every harmonic spoonful is a taste of auditory ecstasy. Indica, venturing bravely into the realm of Latin music, conjures a symphonic banquet, her voice a zephyr whispering through the desert's hush.

Joining forces with the Chilean maestro Polimá Westcoast, whose repertoire is enriched by collaborations with the likes of Nicky Jam and Marshmello, brings an exotic flavor to this sonic feast. The melodies, both captivating and beguiling, weave a dance as intricate as the patterns adorning a desert rose, seducing the listener into a whirlwind of rhythm and charm. "Tengo El Deseo" transcends the ordinary; it's an odyssey under a lunar glow, each beat pulsating with life, each verse a murmured word of romance.