A Star In The Making: Colin Magalong Released "Bodies In A Room"

After making a big splash with his first two tracks on streaming platforms, Colin Magalong is back with a third single even more fascinating.

Bodies in a Room, a song by Colin Magalong on Spotify

From the first seconds of the song we're immediately engulfed in a bewildering symphonic wave. With this funky cozy bass and that kick perfectly laid, the track entitled "Bodies In A Room" embarks us in a world merging the futuristic vibe of "Daft Punk" and the vocal charm of Bruno Mars. However, in his vocal tones, Colin stands out for his uniqueness. - Meaning: he has his own swag - which gives him a musical advantage over many other artists.
Indeed, through his performance, we notice how well the singer has mastered his art. All the criteria of a "hit song" are pragmatically present in the production. In other words transparency, rhythmic punctuality, catchiness, elegance, emotion, tonal and harmonic precision are all at the Rendez-Vous. To make it short, Colin Magalong's "Bodies In The Room" track is a Banger!

Stream Below: