Discoveries: September 2018 (2)
DISCOVERIES OF THE WEEKGossnicopop tyler mann start again, tyler mann, nicopop, stella talpo leave, stella talpo, leave, uranium waves, Discoveries Of The Week, Stella Talpo, Stella talpo Leave, Dixon Brothers Feel me, Gypzee, Dixon Brothers Gypzee feel me, Dixon Brothers, Brittany Bloom, You, Brittany Bloom you, Sure Sure, Lie Lie Lie, Sure Sure Lie Lie Lie
Discoveries: September 2018 (1)
DISCOVERIES OF THE WEEKGossDiscoveries Of The Week, Nuela Charles TroubleMaker, Nuela Charles, Troublemaker, Nuela Charles Music, JuWehl You On Your back, JuWehl, JuWehl Music, Natty Reeves Another Boy, Natty Reeves, Another Boy Music
DISCOVERIES OF THE WEEKGossFUTURECLUB NEXT DOLLAR, FUTURECLUB FEAT PEPPER ROSE NEXT DOLLAR, FUTURECLUB FEAT PEPPER ROSE, URANIUM WAVES FUTURECLUB, Black Caviar Killa shit Funk, Killa shit funk, G.L.A.M., Max Styler Feel it, MAX STYLER, Max Styler Music, Wallace frame by frame, frame by frame, Chantel Jeffries Feat Vory Both Sides, Vory Both Sides, Chantel jeffries, Wallace Frame by Frame, Frame By Frame, Wallace, Cautious Clay, HXNS x Cautious Clay - Blood type, Blood Type HXNS, HXNS
NEW MUSIC, DISCOVERIES OF THE WEEKGossSabina Ddumba Small World, Sabina Ddumba, Ddumba, KRANE & MAX STYLER - CHANGES (Ft. GØLDN), GØLDN, KRANE, MAX STYLER, Mickey Wax Big Little Life, Mickey Wax, Big Little life, Baker Aaron Aanu change, Baker Aaron, Aanu, Change
Discoveries Of The Week (06✩18✩18)
DISCOVERIES OF THE WEEKGossKiddo Much To Me, Kiddo, Kiddo (Singer), Madanii (Singer), Madanii RoseMvry, MADANII ROSEMVRY, Kyle DenMead - Don't You tell Me, Kyle Denmead, Madge - Alice, Madge Music, Madge, J.A. Kid Indigo Moment, Moment, J.A., Kid Indigo, Moment Kid Indigo
Discoveries Of The Week (06✩11✩18)
DISCOVERIES OF THE WEEK, NEW MUSICGossDiscoveries Of The Week, Hyperclap Clouds, Hyperclap, Adam Turley Heartless, Adam turley, Mike rogers Loose Ideas, Mike Rogers, Euføeni All i have For You, Euføeni, Eufoeni, Liv Miraldi, Liv Miraldi Dilemma
Discoveries Of The Week (06✩04✩18)
DISCOVERIES OF THE WEEK, NEW MUSICGossThe Analog Affair Tricklish, The Analog Affair, Jhyve, Jhyve Purpose, Jhyve music, J.O.Y 547, 547, J.O.Y, Jugement Of Yesterday
Discoveries Of The Week (05✩28✩18)
DISCOVERIES OF THE WEEK, NEW MUSICGossDiscoveries Of The Week, Grei x VAN SCOTT Turn Back, Grei x VAN SCOTT, Grei, VAN SCOTT, Jesse Saint John, Fake It, Jesse Saint John Fake It, BAYNK - Be In Love, BAYNK, Be In Love, Mendi Moon, Mendi Moon Midnight Hours, Midnight Hours
DISCOVERIES OF THE WEEK, NEW MUSICGossRAINNE - Petty, RAINNE, RAINNE MUSIC, MGRG Hugh Augustine Sunday's Best, MGRG, Hugh Augustine, Rees Finley Kill The Lizard, Rees Finley, Kill The Lizard, Dez Money, Dez Money Take Me Down, Fear None by Bry Greatah, Bry Greatah, Bry Greatah Fear None, Fear None
DISCOVERIES OF THE WEEK, NEW MUSICGossyellow shoots - desert rose, yellow shoots, bravestation - ray of love, bravestation, phildagreat - no love song, phildagreat, bryn x yung fume - pull up, bryn feat yung fume - pull up, bryn, yung fume, Solomons gargen - eye of hurricane, Solomons gargen, Conor Gain - i know, Conor Gain, Meg BlumBerg Happenstance, Meg BlumBerg Music, Meg BlumBerg, Mick The Ponderous Swoon, Mick The Ponderous, Farnell Newton Lofi and Chill, Farnell Newton Music, Farnell Newton, Vic August Vice, Vic August, AKA Wolves Wanna Get (Feat The Glitter Club), AKA Wolves, Reed Grimm, Reed Grimm Out Of Reach
NEW MUSIC, DISCOVERIES OF THE WEEKGossJohn The Dropout Feat Rosé - Roses and Diamonds, John The Dropout Feat Rosé, Roses and Diamonds, John The Dropout, Rosé, Icon South, Neko Savvy, Montie And Chain money talk, Montie Chain, Abby Wolfe - Lonely in Company, Abby Wolfe, Lonely in Company by Abby Wolfe, Tom Tripp Loving You More, Tom Tripp, Loving You More by Tom Tripp